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Clearblue One Step Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test - 2 Tests

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Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test can give you a pregnant result as fast as 1 minute when testing from the day of your missed period. You should wait 3 minutes to confirm a not pregnant result.

How to use Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test

Please note, these are abbreviated instructions. Always read the in-pack leaflet before carrying out a test.

When you’re ready to do your Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Colour Change Tip, simply remove the one-piece Test Stick from its individual foil wrapper and take off the cap.

You can test directly in your urine stream, or in a sample of your urine collected in a clean, dry container. Hold the Colour Change Tip pointing downwards either in your urine stream, or in your collected urine sample, for 5 seconds only.

The Colour Change Tip will quickly turn pink, showing that urine is being absorbed, but it’s important to continue to hold it in the urine for the full 5 seconds.

Keep the Colour Change Tip pointing downwards or lie the Test Stick flat until the line has appeared in the Control Window. You can read your result after 2 minutes.

If you’re testing from the day your period is due, you can test at any time of the day. If testing early, you should use the first urine of the day. You should avoid drinking excessive amounts of fluids before testing.

A blue line will appear in the Control Window within 2 minutes to show that the test has worked. Read your result after 2 minutes.

  • If there is a ‘–‘ in the Result Window when the line in the Control Window appears, your result is ‘Not Pregnant’.
  • If there is a ‘+’ in the Result Window when the line in the Control Window appears, your result is ‘Pregnant’.

It does not matter if one of the lines that make up the ‘+’ symbol is lighter or darker than the other; the result is ‘Pregnant'.  The appearance of the ‘+’ symbol in the Result Window may vary, however, the lines that make up the ‘+’ symbol and the line in the Control Window should be of a similar width.

If you are still unsure of your result, you should wait at least 3 days before testing again, taking care to follow the instructions.

How do I know if the test has worked?

The Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Colour Change Tip has a sample indicator and a control window to give you extra reassurance.

The Colour Change Tip will quickly turn pink showing that urine is being absorbed. Within 2 minutes of taking the test a blue line appears in the Control Window to show that the test has worked properly.

If no blue line appears in the Control Window within 10 minutes, then the test has not worked. This may be because

  • Too much or too little urine was applied (remember, 5 seconds only), or
  • The Colour Change Tip was not kept pointing downwards, or
  • The Test Stick was not laid flat after urine was applied.
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